EcholoN Administrators Training II

08:00 - 11:30

Admin II

Administrator training II is only for customers with a Professional licence model or higher. It usually lasts 2 working days.

The participants are familiar with the basics of EcholoN administration (according to KBE-00163 Administrator Training I). The main aim here is to deepen knowledge and enable the participants to adapt their EcholoN to their use cases themselves. The trained EcholoN administrator should have a good idea of what EcholoN can do.

Basically, hands-on content can and should be worked through here on topics named (in advance) by the customer. The space for this varies.

If the customer has no special wishes, the following are possible:

- specific notifications: How do I create the events, how do I ensure that notifications are only made in certain cases (C# script)?
- Distribution lists
- Status management with status time monitoring & time stamp setting

Web client
- Set up dashboards (with pinggroups/folders/tiles)
- Set up and integrate calendars
- Activity patterns (concept, from simple to complex)
- Work sessions (concept, using service desk as an example)
- Assistants (concept)
- Set up and integrate Kanban Board
- Gantt charts
- Presenting a map
- Webhooks and HTTP requests

- Overview of data structure ("Big 5")
- Collection of materials: KBE-001933 (

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mIT solutions GmbH Quickborner Straße 79 25494 - Borstel-Hohenraden Tel.: 04101 69693

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Online Quickborner Straße 79 25494 - Borstel-Hohenraden

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